Lestov Commercial Induction Steamer – Your Best Solution for Steaming Rice & Seafood
In modern commercial kitchens, commercial induction rice steamers are becoming a new favorite in the catering industry as an efficient cooking device. They not only provide fast and uniform steaming effects,…
Lestov Commercial Induction Deep Fryer – High-Efficiency Solution for Restaurant
In modern commercial kitchens, commercial induction fryers are gradually becoming the catering industry's new favorite. They are efficient cooking equipment that can provide fast and uniform frying effects, ensure food…
Why do restaurants need to buy automatic cooking machines? – Lestov Manufacturer’s Answer
In the modern catering industry, automatic cooking machines are gradually becoming an important equipment in restaurant kitchens. Here are several reasons why restaurants should buy automatic stir-fry machines. Improve cooking…
Commercial automatic cooking machine: an efficient solution for modern kitchens
In modern commercial kitchens, commercial automatic cooking machines, as efficient automated cooking equipment, are gradually becoming the new favorite of the catering industry. It can not only improve cooking efficiency,…
Know More About Automatic Wok Cooking Machine — Lestov Manufacturer’s Tips
Chain restaurants are using or planning to purchase automatic wok cooking machines, such as the largest Chinese restaurant chain in the United States - Panda Express. It is a commercial…
Add Automatic Cooking Machine to Restaurant – Is it Available?
Last week I met Jemmy, the owner of Lemon Tree restaurant at Salty Cafe. Lemon Tree is a high-end restaurant where people can enjoy dishes cooked by Michelin chefs. Before…
2024 Food & Hospitality Indonesia – 2516 Booth ( Lestov)
A grand and professional hotel, food, and beverage exhibition - Food & Hospitality Indonesia 2024 will be held at the Indonesia International Expo (JIEXPO) from July 23 to 26, 2024.…
Automatisk køkkenmaskine (fakta, du ikke kender) - spar penge og få tips
Jeg havde planlagt at nyde en cappuccino og se et af mine foretrukne talkshows lørdag eftermiddag. Min telefon får mig til at opgive min te-tid med den konstante ...
Kinesisk wok-koger - den europæiske komfurforhandlers nye indtægt
Noget avanceret madlavningsudstyr (kinesiske kommercielle wokkomfurer) fra asiatiske producenter er på vej ind i Europa. Det er en sag, som fremsynede forhandlere af kommercielle komfurer forsøger at fremme. Mange regioner i...
Brug af induktion i restauranter i Vancouver - fordelagtige ændringer
Nogle politikker tvinger restaurationsbranchen til at reducere brugen af naturgas. Disse politikker kommer fra et pres for at reducere CO2-fodaftrykket med 33%. Den har en smuk...