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Industrial Automatic Wok Cooking Machine Stir-Fryer LT-CD700T4-D130

As an industrial automatic stir-fry machine, it can store more than 1000+ recipes. It can replace 3 chefs and complete 8-40KG of food in 40 minutes, with an energy efficiency of 95%. This automatic wok cooking machine that can stir-fry and heat evenly at 360° will be high-quality equipment for commercial kitchens such as industrials, canteens, and sauce factories.


Профессиональный производитель

20 Years Commercial Induction Cooker Manufacturer Directly Supply | Independent R&D / Design – Produce – Sale Auto Stir-fryer | CE – CCC

Сенсорный экран

Configure 7-inches Touch-Screen Control Panel | Edit or Adjust the Stir-Frying Power – Time – Recipe’s Step | Real-time Voice Broadcast

Экономьте больше затрат

A Waiter with No Cooking Experience Cooks Like a Pro Chef | Standardized Food Quality & Flavor | Reduce Chef Training Cost & Employment

Катушка для сбора энергии

Настройте двухслойную катушку с медной проволокой, концентрирующей энергию | Быстрое нагревание | Вогнутый дизайн соответствует дну вока

Unlimited recipe input

Configure Unlimited Editable Programming Recipes | Auto Storage the Cooking Power – Time | Intelligently Apply the Recipe’s Step | Daily Create New Dishes

Индукционный нагрев

Adopts Innovate Induction Heating | 95% Energy-Utilization | Save 35% Energy Cost | No Open Flame Cooking | Keeps Kitchen Cool

Легко чистить

Оснащен пистолетом для распыления воды под высоким давлением | Ручная очистка | Быстрое удаление остатков пищи | Легко очистить вок из нержавеющей стали

Вок барабанного типа

Configure Drum-Type Wok | Heat-Gathering Cookware | High Thermal Conductivity | Uniform Stir-frying Inspire the Best Food Taste

Большая емкость для приготовления пищи

Configure φ700 * 700mm Stir-frying Range | Automatically Cook 8 to 40KG Food within 45 Minutes | Suitable for Restaurant – Canteen – Hotel

Особенности и преимущества:

Intelligent Robot Commercial Stir-Fryer Machines for Sale
Automatic Induction Commercial Stir Fry Machine
The Heating Coil of Automated Cooking Machines for Resaturant
Lestov Automatic Cooking Machines for Sale
The Induction Motor of Automatic Cooking Machines

Подробная информация о параметрах продукта:

  • Модель №: LT-CD700T4-D130
  • Rated Power: 30KW
  • Номинальное напряжение: 380 В, 3 фазы, 50 Гц
  • Product Size: L1260*W1360*H1750mm
  • Roller diameter: φ700mm*H700mm
  • Productivity per cooking: 8 – 40KG
  • Материал изделия: Нержавеющая сталь #304
  • Материал бака барабана: нержавеющая сталь #443/чугун
  • Display screen: 7” multi-functional touchscreen
  • Functions: Barrel Automatic tilting
  • Услуги: Подгонянный OEM/ODM
  • Menu: Storage Unlimited recipes
  • Voice: Smart Voice Service
  • Пакет способ: Деревянная коробка
  • Гарантия: 1 год
  • Сертификат: CE

Сертификат продукции

Commercial Induction Cooktop Product Certificates


This commercial automatic cooking machine is ideal kitchenware for controlling firepower, intelligent operation, and large capacity.

It is suitable for stir-frying / Stewing soup / Fried food in large commercial kitchens such as Chinese restaurants / Hotels / Canteen.

The application of kitchen robot cooker

Почему стоит выбрать нас?

As an automatic cooking machine manufacturer with R&D / Design / Production / Sales experience, we have provided a full range of automatic stir fryers with CE / CCC / ISO certification to consumers in the United States, Korea, Ireland, and Thailand.

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