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FORMULÁŘ E: Dovozce indukčních vařičů ze zemí ASEAN potřebuje vědět
If you plan to import commercial induction range cookers from China, and your region meets the relevant regulations of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area preferential tariffs, as long as the FORME certificate is issued, your goods will enjoy a more favorable tariff reduction treatment (up to 5% ).
Introduces some facts about FORM E in this article and hope to bring you some help.
What is FORME?
It is a concession confirmation letter for the ASEAN-China Free Trade Certificate of Origin.
FORME applies to 10 countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Why is FORM E important?
- An important certificate for preferential tariff treatment (average tax rate up to 5%)
- Prove the origin of the goods to meet customs or trade requirements
- Evidence of the intrinsic quality or exchange settlement of the goods
When is FORME needed?
FORM E mainly meets the customs requirements in the import process and is issued only when needed and is valid for only one year. Please find out in advance if you can benefit from the FORM E documents you have obtained. For more details, please consult your local customs authority.
Note: Only Chinese manufacturers/suppliers who have the export license are eligible to apply to China Customs, and submit written materials if necessary. It needs 7 days to get the FORM E original.
Required documents (for induction cooker manufacturer China):
- Export registration form Confirm that regional China Customs has registered the manufacturer’s company and the importer’s local customs system can search its exist.
- A copy of the business license Confirms that the manufacturer is legally operating.
- The FORM E original with Chinese and English official seal It is a joint confirmation certificate between China’s manufacturer and customs, which is legally binding.
An original file of FORM E with a details explanation Warm tip: Do not hesitate to Contact Us! – the best commercial induction cooktop manufacturer who can apply the FORM E original from the China Customs government.
The FORM E certificate consists of a title bar (upper right corner) and 13 columns. Fill in the following methods:
Title bar (upper right corner)
The certificate identification code and certificate number specified by the visa authority must be filled in. Refer to the example above in the figure: Reference No: E19gddggb1431002. If the content is empty, the certificate is invalid.
Column 1:
Products consigned from (Exporter’s business name, address, country)
This is a must-fill for Chinese exporters, including the company name, the detailed address with street name, and the door number. Make sure that the exporter has completed the filing of the origin, and that its English name is completely consistent with the Customs Inspection Bureau.
Note: The name of the importer in Hong Kong or Taiwan cannot appear in this column.
Column 2:
Product consigned to (Consignee’s name, address, country)
In general, the final consignee who comes from the preferential tariff treatment country should be filled out, including the company name, the country, and the detailed address.
Note: The name of the importer in Hong Kong or Taiwan cannot appear in this column.
Column 3:
Means of transport and route (as far as known)
The starting place of the transport and route should fill in the last place where the goods leave China Mainland. Add the Port name if transshipment during the transport. The content filled can refer to the above figure.
- Departure date: AUG. 03, 2019
- Vessel’s name / Aircraft etc.: CMA CGM BLUE WHALE / S121
- Port of Discharge: PORT KLANG
Column 4:
For Official Use
Only the customs authorities of the importing member can fill out the content in this column, and briefly state whether they can be given preferential treatment according to the agreement. Chinese exporters/manufacturers applying for origin verification can fill in the source of the application, like “Verification: origin,”.
From columns 5 to 10, the contents are closely related to the bill of lading information of the exported goods, which are displayed in the middle position in the same row in the FORM E file.
Column 5:
Item Number
In case the consignee and transportation conditions are the same, the item number in the same batch of export goods shall be listed in order, but not exceed 20 items.
Column 6:
Marks and numbers on packages
Please use the same Marks and Numbers from the packing box and bill of lading. If there is no mark, leave it blank or fill in “N/M”.
Column 7:
Number and type of packages, description of products (including quantity where appropriate and HS number of the importing Party)
All content must be consistent with the customs declaration.
Column 8:
Origin criteria (see Overleaf Notes)
Note: fill in “WO” if completely original; fill in the percentage of value-added if not completely original; fill in “PSR” if the specific product meets the original standard.
Column 9:
Gross weight or other quantity and value (FOB)
Fill in the gross weight with the normal measure unit. If there is only net weight, please mark it out.
Column 10:
Number and date of invoices
Fill in the contents the same as the official commercial invoice, and do not leave it blank.
Note: Write the month in English abbreviation, such as JAN; Write a complete date of the year, such as “2019”; the invoice date cannot be later than the bill of lading date and filing date.
Column 11:
Declaration by the exporter
Fill in “China” (the exporter) on the first horizontal line, and fill in specific member countries (the importer from ASEAN-China Free Trade Area member countries) on the second horizontal line. The importing country must be the same as the final consignee or destination port.
Note: In addition to filling in the declaration location and time, the applicant from the producing country should sign the name and stamp with the official seal of the Chinese and English company name.
Column 12:
You can read these words on The FORM E original: “It is hereby certificated, on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct.”
Fill in the place and date which is the same as the exporter’s filing date and address; Fill in the signature and print the stamp of certifying authority.
Note: The certifying authority must seal the stamp on the Original and Copy. If it is a reissued certificate, the words “CERTIFIED TRUE COPY” should be added by the certifying authority in this column.
Column 13:
Selection items include Issues Retroactively, Exhibition, Movement Certificates, and Third Party Invoicing.
Proper use of the certificate of origin will allow your import process smooth and receive better tariff treatment through certain types of products.
If you have any questions about FORM E or want more details about induction cookers, please let us know.
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